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Rose Albrecht Durer

It's easy to admire the beauty of roses! They are exquisite, beautiful, differ in a huge variety of shapes and colors. It is not easy to stand out in such a brilliant company, but our current heroine succeeds without difficulty. This flower is undoubtedly worthy of your garden!

Origin information

This variety is a representative of the widespread group of hybrid tea roses. It is known that it was bred in 1996 by German breeders from the Tantau Roses nursery. But the company introduced the flower to the official directories of its varieties only in 2002, presenting it as the brainchild of the famous specialist Hans Jürgen Ewers. Initially, the new variety had two technical names: RT 96-145 and TAN 96 145.

The current name prevails, it is dedicated to the famous German artist, master of woodcuts (engraving on wood and copper) Albrecht Durer, who lived and worked during the Renaissance. It is known that in his subjects he often used images of flowers.

Description of appearance

The described variety forms a medium-sized shrub, 60 to 90 cm high and about 60 cm wide. Leaves are medium-sized, dense, shiny, juicy green in color. The growth force of the bush is relatively low, if desired, it can be noticeably restrained, especially when the rose is used as a tub culture.

The flowers look great! They are painted in a delicate apricot-peach color, and seem to glow from the inside. Some experts describe their color as orange-pink or even salmon. This "inconsistency" is explained by the fact that the shades of the petals change depending on the prevailing weather and the age of the flower itself.

For example, the bud that is just opening is clearly pinkish, even with abrupt transitions from "hot" tones to warmer, apricot tones. As the flower "matures", the petals turn pale, acquiring a calm, pastel range. Romantically inclined gardeners say that this rose shows the character of a person: explosive in youth, calmer in old years.

Interestingly, this tendency is expressed not only in color, but also in shape. The opening bud looks like a classic modern variety, while the “aged” flower resembles the shape of the old roses of Europe.

The flower itself is large, about 12 cm in diameter, exudes a pleasant, rich aroma with fruity notes. On one branch, one densely double flower usually flaunts, but there are also 2-3 together.

Features of agricultural technology and use

The variety can be grown in zones 6 through 9, according to the USDA, with pruning and winter shelter if temperatures are expected to drop below -15 °. It is noticed that she does not like the sharp alternation of thaws and cold winter days. More than many other "brothers", he loves loosening the soil in the trunk circle, as well as high-quality mulching.

Resistance to various common diseases is average, as well as resistance to pests. Thus, the rose cannot be called either a robust one, or a particularly delicate variety.

Speaking about its use, it should be noted its versatility. Albrecht Dürer is distributed in both bush and standard form, and, as already noted, is sold as a container plant. In the garden, it can be introduced into group plantings, but it is also magnificent in a single copy. Can serve as a hedge, outline a curb or alley. Often acts as a cut rose. Thanks to its strong aroma, it has proven itself as a flowering plant at the entrance to the house.

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